How to Get a Black Valorant Crosshair

When Valorant first launched, you could only choose between the default crosshair colors. Back then, players used outlines to make black crosshairs. Many outdated guides on other websites today still show this method, but it’s not the best way to get a black crosshair in Valorant today.
Following the release of Episode 5 Act II, players can now choose any custom color for their crosshair, including black.
How to Get a Black Crosshair in Valorant?
To get a black Valorant crosshair, follow these steps:
- In Valorant, go to Settings > Crosshair > Primary
- Select “Custom” in the Crosshair Color dropdown list.
- Enter the color code #000000 into the color input field.
The Valorant crosshair editor lets you enter any HEX color code into this field, such as #000000 for black.
Why You Should Use This Method vs The Old Way
As we mentioned above, you used to only be able to select between a handful of default colors. Because crosshair outlines are black, players used outlines to make black crosshairs.
However, the old method of using outlines significantly limits your design options because you can only use outline settings to shape your design.
Now that Valorant allows you to set black as your crosshair color, you can use all the in-game crosshair settings to style it (inner line/outer line length, thickness, etc.).