CS2 & GS:GO Give Commands for Weapons, Armor & Grenades)
Updated: Apr 22, 2024

CS2 (and CS:GO before it) has a console to enter settings and commands. Give commands can be used to give yourself weapons, armor, and grenades in servers with sv_cheats enabled.
To use give commands:
- Open the console with the tilde (~) key or whatever key you’ve chosen for this bind. Note that the console must be enabled in your CS2 settings.
- Enable sv_cheats in a private server by typing the command
sv_cheats true
into the console.
- To receive items, use the command
give [give_code]
(replace [give code] with the code for the item you want).
You may need to drop the item you’re currently holding if you want to be given an item for the same slot.
CS2/CS:GO Give Commands
Here are the give commands for all CS2 weapons, armor, grenades, and other items:
give weapon_galilar - Galil Argive weapon_famas - Famasgive weapon_ak47 - AK-47give weapon_m4a1 - M4A4give weapon_m4a1_silencer - M4A1-Sgive weapon_sg556 - SG 553give weapon_aug - AUGgive weapon_ssg08 - SSG 08give weapon_awp - AWPgive weapon_g3sg1 - G3SG1give weapon_scar20 - SCAR-20Pistols
give weapon_glock - Glock-18give weapon_usp_silencer - USP-Sgive weapon_hkp2000 - P2000give weapon_p250 - P250give weapon_elite - Dual Berettasgive weapon_cz75a - CZ75-Autogive weapon_tec9 - Tec-9give weapon_fiveseven - Five-SeveNgive weapon_revolver - R8 Revolvergive weapon_deagle - Desert EagleSMGs
give weapon_mac10 - MAC-10give weapon_ump45 - UMP-45give weapon_mp9 - MP9give weapon_bizon - PP-Bizongive weapon_mp5sd - MP5-SDgive weapon_mp7 - MP7give weapon_p90 - P90Shotguns
give weapon_nova - Novagive weapon_sawedoff - Sawed-Offgive weapon_mag7 - MAG-7give weapon_xm1014 - XM1014Machine Guns
give weapon_negev - Negevgive weapon_m249 - M249Equipment
give item_kevlar - Kevlar Vestgive item_assaultsuit - Kevlar Vest + Helmetgive item_defuser - Defuse Kitgive weapon_taser - Zeus x27 (Taser)Grenades
give weapon_decoy - Decoy Grenadegive weapon_flashbang - Flashbanggive weapon_smokegrenade - Smoke Grenadegive weapon_hegrenade - HE Grenadegive weapon_molotov - Molotovgive weapon_incgrenade - Incendiary