
Real Name: Jean-Baptiste Augustin
Age: 38
Birthday: March 12th
From: HaitiHaiti
Health: 250

Baptiste Abilities

Baptiste Biotic Launcher ability

Biotic Launcher

Three-round burst gun. Lob a healing projectile that heals all allies near the impact.

Baptiste Regenerative Burst ability

Regenerative Burst

Activate to heal yourself and nearby allies instantly, with additional healing over time. Instant heal is doubled for targets less than half health.

Baptiste Immortality Field ability

Immortality Field

Toss a device that prevents allies from dying. The device can be destroyed.

Baptiste Amplification Matrix ability

Amplification Matrix

Project a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of allied projectiles.

Baptiste Exo Boots ability

Exo Boots

Hold crouch to jump higher.

Baptiste Difficulty - Hard

Relative to all Overwatch 2 heroes, Baptiste is Hard to be effective with.

We rank Baptiste as a "Hard" Hero because he requires precision aim, as well as time to get used to his uniqueness. His primary fire, which requires accurate aim, is the only three-round burst rifle in the game. While his healing projectiles don't have to be a direct hit to heal teammates, their slow projectile speed takes some getting used to.

Baptiste Tier Rating - A-tier

We rate Baptiste as a A-tier Support hero in the current Overwatch 2 meta (among possible tiers of S, A, B, C, and D).

If you look at the top 500 leader boards for Support, you'll see a lot of Baptiste. Not only can he be a fantastic healer capable of burst healing, but he can also deal lots of consistent damage.

Beyond this, his Immortality Field and Regenerative Burst abilities can save himself or others from otherwise certain death.

Check out our Overwatch Hero Tier List

Baptiste Tips

  • It's easier to hit teammates with Baptiste's Biotic Launcher heals from above them. Use his Exo Boots crouch-jump to get a better angle.
  • Place Baptiste's Immortality Field where enemies can't easily destroy it, such as around a corner, when possible.

Baptiste FAQ

The following FAQ answers the most common questions about Baptiste:

What is Baptiste's Real Name?

Baptiste's real name is Jean-Baptiste Augustin

How Old is Baptiste?

Baptiste is 38 years old.

When was Baptiste born?

Baptiste's birthday is on March 12th.

Where is Baptiste from?

Baptiste is from Haiti.