
Real Name: Reinhardt Wilhelm
Age: 63
Birthday: June 26th
From: GermanyGermany
Health: 400
Armor: 300
Total Health: 700

Reinhardt Abilities

Reinhardt Rocket Hammer ability

Rocket Hammer

Devastating melee weapon.

Reinhardt Charge ability


Charge forward and smash an enemy against a wall.

Reinhardt Fire Strike ability

Fire Strike

Launch a fiery projectile.

Reinhardt Barrier Field ability

Barrier Field

Hold to deploy a frontal energy barrier.

Reinhardt Earthshatter ability


Knock down all enemies in front of you.

Reinhardt Difficulty - Easy

Relative to all Overwatch 2 heroes, Reinhardt is Easy to be effective with.

Reinhardt Tier Rating - D-tier

We rate Reinhardt as a D-tier Tank hero in the current Overwatch 2 meta (among possible tiers of S, A, B, C, and D).

There are many great Tanks in the current Overwatch 2 meta, but Reinhardt is not one of them. In fact, we rank him as the worst Tank in the game and maybe even the worst Hero overall.

When Reinhardt holds his Barrier Field, that's all he does. By comparison, Sigma and Ramattra can place their barriers and then continue to do damage.

Fire Strike, Rein's ability to deal damage from a longer range, is easily avoidable. To do significant useful damage to enemies, you have to be very close to them to use his Rocket Hammer. Unforunately for Reinhardt mains, he's usually very susceptible to damage trying to engage and disengage from the enemy.

Unlike other tanks, Reinhart lacks an ability to regenerate his own health. This forces Support teammates to spend more time focusing on him than other Tanks.

One of my biggest pet peeves in matchmaking is when my team's Tank player chooses Rein on an open map with highly mobile teammates and then spends a huge portion of the game just sheilding himself.

Check out our Overwatch Hero Tier List

Reinhardt FAQ

The following FAQ answers the most common questions about Reinhardt:

What is Reinhardt's Real Name?

Reinhardt's real name is Reinhardt Wilhelm

How Old is Reinhardt?

Reinhardt is 63 years old.

When was Reinhardt born?

Reinhardt's birthday is on June 26th.

Where is Reinhardt from?

Reinhardt is from Germany.