New Feature: Random Character Pickers For Valorant and Overwatch 2

Valorant and Overwatch 2 differ from many other first-person shooters in that every character has a unique set of abilities.
It’s becoming increasingly popular for players of these games to choose characters at random at the start of matches. You may choose to do this as a challenge or as a way to familiarize yourself with new characters and roles.
Valorant Random Agent Picker
Our Valorant Random Agent Picker selects a random agent from all of the Valorant agents you’ve selected. By default, all 24 agents are selected. You can select/deselect individual agents or entire roles (Initiator, Sentinel, Duelist, and Controller). We’ll update this tool with any new agents Riot adds to Valorant.
Overwatch Random Hero Picker
Our Overwatch 2 Random Hero Picker selects a random hero from all the OW2 heroes you select. By default, all 39 heroes are selected. You can select/deselect individual heroes or entire roles (Tank, Damage, Support). We’ll add new heroes and adjust roles as Blizzard releases updates for OW2.
Shared Features Of Both of These Random Pickers
At the top of each tool, you can deselect/select all characters or deselect/select all characters in a particular role. You can also deselect/select any character by clicking on their picture.
The default “Roll” option selects a random character but first shows a roulette/slots-style animation. The “Instant Roll” immediately shows the randomly selected hero without the animations.
After a random character is chosen, you see this hero and a section explaining their abilities.
More Info
The info section below each tool provides more information on these tools, including how the randomness works.