All Overwatch 2 Characters’ Birthdays and Ages

Updated: Apr 18, 2024
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Blizzard has revealed the official ages and birthdays of every hero in Overwatch 2. From the youngest hero, Orisa, at 1, to the oldest Sigma, at 64, we’ve compiled a list of all Overwatch 2 characters’ ages. This list also includes all Overwatch characters’ birthdays.

All Overwatch 2 Characters’ Birthdays and Ages

Here are all Overwatch 2 Characters birthdays and ages:

What is the Average Age of Overwatch Heroes?

The average age of all Overwatch heroes is 35.26 years old.

What is the Median Age of All Overwatch Heroes?

The Median Age of all Overwatch heroes is 32.5 years old.

Who is the Youngest Overwatch Hero?

At age 1, Orisa is the youngest Overwatch hero.

Who is the Oldest Overwatch Hero?

Sigma is the oldest Overwatch hero at 64 years old.

Overwatch Heroes Sorted Youngest to Oldest

Here’s a list of all Overwatch heroes’ ages, sorted youngest to oldest: